Thursday, January 17, 2008

What's Happening to Me?

I'll never forget the afternoon, when my firstborn son was 5 days old, that the right side of my tongue went numb. It was a strange sensation, not pleasant, but not particularly alarming. Then later that evening, the dinner that friends had kindly brought to us tasted oddly metallic, and I found that the inside of my cheek was numb.
By my son's midnight feeding, I knew something was definitely wrong. My face was droopy and expressionless on the right side.
Had I had a stroke as a result of the C-section from the previous weekend? What was going on?!

The onset of Bell's Palsy (B.P.) for me was, I believe, a common one. I had little-to-no knowledge of the malady, no idea that I fell into a high risk group, was embarrassed and even frightened by the symptoms, and just wanted to know what was happening!

My initial Google searches turned up a few personal stories, some confusing clinical studies and lots of conflicting information. I wanted a site that would give me real information! My hope for this blog is that it will become a hub for information like I was looking for, including facts, treatment options, case studies, testimony from people who have RECOVERED from Bell's Palsy and an offering of HOPE. Because there certainly is for those with B.P.!

Many illnesses today hide inside the body, slowly taking earthly life with no human remedy available. Along with deep compassion for those and the families of those who suffer with such diseases, I have deep gratitude that I only "suffered" through an illness that was temporary. Sure, I couldn't hide it, it was painful, and it wasn't easy, but finally, it got better! And that is the hope offered to you today, if you are here wondering about your case of B.P. You WILL recover. Use this knowledge to keep your situation in perspective, and read read read to understand as much as you can about your B.P. adventure.

If you are interesting in contributing to this site, please leave a comment below.

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